[collectd] cpu wait time on collectd server

Andi Lõhmus siiludus at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 11:31:23 CEST 2007


We are now testing collectd to collect stats from our managed servers 
and openwrt routers.
We have one machine set up as collectd server. The specs are Athlon 64 
3200, 1Gb ram running gentoo
In the moment it receives stats from 30 hosts. In total there are 1426 
rrd files.

Now when looking at the stats from the server, i see very large cpu wait 
times averaging about 70%. it must be waiting on network IO because disk 
write throughput is only ~1Mb/sec, which the disk can handle with ease. 
Also load is now constantly over 1.

Is such behaviour expected?

What can be done to optimize things?

Andi Lõhmus

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