[collectd] Compiling on HP-UX

Jeff Haney jah at clan-rum.org
Tue Oct 17 17:13:25 CEST 2006

Hi octo,

It seems that the only include is mntent.h

      #include <mntent.h>
      FILE *setmntent(const char *path, char *type);
      struct mntent *getmntent(FILE *stream);
      int getmntent_r(
           FILE *stream,
           struct mntent *result,
           char *buffer,
           int buflen);
      int addmntent(FILE *stream, struct mntent *mnt);
      int delmntent(FILE *stream, struct mntent *mnt);
      char *hasmntopt(struct mntent *mnt, const char *opt);
      int endmntent(FILE *stream);

I appreciate your help with this.  I have collectd running on nine 
Redhat machines, no problem.  Now I need to get it to run on four HP-UX 
boxes.  If we can get it to compile on HP-UX then next I want to get it 
running on 10 Solaris 6, 7 & 8 boxes.  Then I'll be set!


-------------- next part --------------
/* @(#)B11.23_LR$Revision: ../hdr/mntent.h@@/main/i80/12 $ */
 * File system table, see checklist(4)
 * Used by dump, mount, umount, swapon, fsck, df, ...
#ifndef _MNTENT_INCLUDED /* allow multiple inclusions */

#  include <sys/stdsyms.h>


#define	MNT_CHECKLIST	"/etc/fstab"
#define	MNT_MNTTAB	"/etc/mnttab"

#include <stdio.h>

#  if defined(_HP_SHLIB_CALLS) && !defined(__LP64__)
#    define _FAST_SHLIB_CALLS
#  endif

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define	MNTMAXSTR	128

#define	MNTTYPE_HFS	"hfs"		/* HP HFS file system. */
#define	MNTTYPE_CDFS	"cdfs"		/* CD-ROM file system. */
#define	MNTTYPE_NFS	"nfs"		/* NFS Version 2 file system */
#define MNTTYPE_NFS3    "nfs3"          /* NFS Version 3 file system */
#define MNTTYPE_CACHEFS "cachefs"       /* Cache File System */
#define	MNTTYPE_VXFS	"vxfs"		/* VxFS file system */
#define	MNTTYPE_LOFS	"lofs"		/* Loopback file system */
#define	MNTTYPE_SWAP	"swap"		/* Swap device */
#define	MNTTYPE_SWAPFS	"swapfs"	/* File system swap */
#define MNTTYPE_DUMP	"dump"		/* Dump file system */
#define	MNTTYPE_IGNORE	"ignore"	/* Ignore this entry */
#define MNTTYPE_DFS	"dfs"		/* HP DFS file system. */
#define MNTTYPE_AUTOFS	"autofs"	/* autofs file system */

 * WARNING:  Any options added here will not show up in /etc/mnttab
 * unless they are also added to the update_mnttab(3x) libarary.
#define	MNTOPT_DEFAULTS	"defaults"	/* use all default opts */
#define	MNTOPT_RO	"ro"		/* read only */
#define	MNTOPT_RW	"rw"		/* read/write */
#define	MNTOPT_SUID	"suid"		/* set uid allowed */
#define	MNTOPT_NOSUID	"nosuid"	/* no set uid allowed */
#define MNTOPT_NOAUTO	"noauto"	/* Don't automatically mount with -a. */
#define MNTOPT_DEV	"dev"		/* Device ID of the file system mounted */

 *  Large Files Mount Options
#define MNTOPT_LARGEFILES	"largefiles"
#define MNTOPT_NOLARGEFILES	"nolargefiles"

 * CDCASE mount option

#define MNTOPT_CDCASE	"cdcase"	/* Support case folding & Vers suppression */

 * UFS/HFS specific options
 * WARNING:  Any options added here will not show up in /etc/mnttab
 * unless they are also added to the update_mnttab(3x) libarary.
#define	MNTOPT_DELAYED	 "delayed" 	/* delayed writes to disk; 700 default*/
#define	MNTOPT_BEHIND	 "behind" 	/* write async'ly to disk; 800 default*/
#define	MNTOPT_FSASYNC	 "fsasync" 	/* async update */
#define	MNTOPT_NOFSASYNC "nofsasync"	/* no async update - default */

 * NFS specific options
 *    WARNING:  Any options added here will not show up in /etc/mnttab
 *    unless they are also added to the update_mnttab(3x) libarary.
#define	MNTOPT_BG	"bg"	  /* Retry mount in background */
#define	MNTOPT_FG	"fg"	  /* Retry mount in foreground */
#define MNTOPT_RETRY	"retry"	  /* Number of retries allowed. */
#define MNTOPT_RSIZE	"rsize"	  /* Read buffer size in bytes. */
#define MNTOPT_WSIZE	"wsize"	  /* Write buffer size in bytes. */
#define MNTOPT_TIMEO	"timeo"	  /* Timeout in 1/10's of seconds. */
#define MNTOPT_RETRANS	"retrans" /* Number of retransmissions. */
#define MNTOPT_PORT	"port"	  /* IP on server for requests. */
#define	MNTOPT_SOFT	"soft"	  /* soft mount */
#define	MNTOPT_HARD	"hard"	  /* hard mount */
#define MNTOPT_INTR	"intr"	  /* Allow interrupts to hard mounts. */
#define MNTOPT_NOINTR	"nointr"  /* Don't allow interrupts to hard mounts. */
#define MNTOPT_DEVS	"devs"	  /* Allow device file access */
#define MNTOPT_NODEVS	"nodevs"  /* Don't allow device file access */
#define MNTOPT_NOAC	"noac"    /* suppress fress attributes on file open */
#define MNTOPT_NOCTO	"nocto"   /* suppress attribute & name(lookup) caching */
#define MNTOPT_ACTIMEO  "actimeo"  /* attr cache timeout (sec) */
#define MNTOPT_ACREGMIN "acregmin" /* min ac timeout for reg files (sec) */
#define MNTOPT_ACREGMAX "acregmax" /* max ac timeout for reg files (sec) */
#define MNTOPT_ACDIRMIN "acdirmin" /* min ac timeout for dirs (sec) */
#define MNTOPT_ACDIRMAX "acdirmax" /* max ac timeout for dirs (sec) */
#define MNTOPT_SEMISOFT "semisoft"      /* partial soft, uncommited interface */
#define MNTOPT_GRPID    "grpid"         /* SysV-compatible gid on create */
#define MNTOPT_REMOUNT  "remount"       /* Change mount options */
#define MNTOPT_SECURE   "secure"        /* Secure (AUTH_DES) mounting */
#define MNTOPT_POSIX    "posix"         /* Get static pathconf for mount */
#define MNTOPT_LLOCK    "llock"         /* Local locking (no lock manager) */
#define MNTOPT_VERS     "vers"          /* protocol version number indicator */
#define MNTOPT_PROTO    "proto"         /* protocol network_id indicator */
#define MNTOPT_SEC      "sec"           /* Security flavor indicator */
#define MNTOPT_NOPRINT  "noprint"       /* Do not print messages */
#define MNTOPT_FORCEDIRECTIO "forcedirectio" /* Force DirectIO on all files */
#define MNTOPT_NOFORCEDIRECTIO "noforcedirectio" /* No Force DirectIO */
#define MNTOPT_PUBLIC   "public"        /* Use NFS public file handle */
#define MNTOPT_OVERLAY	"overlay"	/* Overlay mount */
#define MNTOPT_DEBUG	"debug"		/* Turn debug on */

 * VxFS-specific options
#define MNTOPT_LOG		"log"
#define MNTOPT_DELAYLOG		"delaylog"
#define MNTOPT_TMPLOG		"tmplog"
#define MNTOPT_NOLOG		"nolog"
#define MNTOPT_BLKCLEAR		"blkclear"
#define MNTOPT_DATAINLOG	"datainlog"
#define MNTOPT_NODATAINLOG	"nodatainlog"
#define MNTOPT_SNAPOF		"snapof"
#define MNTOPT_SNAPSIZE		"snapsize"
#define MNTOPT_MINCACHE		"mincache"
#define NMTOPT_CLOSESYNC	"closesync"
#define MNTOPT_DIRECT		"direct"
#define MNTOPT_DSYNC		"dsync"
#define MNTOPT_TMPCACHE		"tmpcache"
#define MNTOPT_CONVOSYNC	"convosync"
#define MNTOPT_DELAY		"delay"
#define MNTOPT_TRANFLUSH	"tranflush"
 * Device swap options
#define	MNTOPT_END      "end"     /* swap after end of file system- S300 only */

 * File system swap options
#define MNTOPT_MIN	"min"	  /* minimum file system swap */
#define MNTOPT_LIM	"lim"	  /* maximum file system swap */
#define MNTOPT_RES	"res"	  /* reserve space for file system */
#define MNTOPT_PRI	"pri"	  /* file system swap priority */

 * Quota options
#define MNTOPT_QUOTA	"quota"		/* Allow disc quotas */
#define MNTOPT_NOQUOTA	"noquota"	/* Don't allow disc quotas */

 * Boot options
#define MNTOPT_BOOT	"boot"		/* boot-time mounting for diskless */

 * Default mode for /etc/mnttab, and default sizes for NFS mount options
#define DEFAULT_WSIZE	NFS_MAXDATA	    /* NFS default defines */

struct	mntent{
	char	*mnt_fsname;	/* name of mounted file system */
	char	*mnt_dir;	/* file system path prefix */
	char	*mnt_type;	/* MNTTYPE_* */
	char	*mnt_opts;	/* MNTOPT* */
	int	mnt_freq;	/* dump frequency, in days */
	int	mnt_passno;	/* pass number on parallel fsck */
	long	mnt_time;	/* Time this filesystem was mounted */
	unsigned short mnt_cnode;	/* OBSOLETE */

#  pragma HP_DEFINED_EXTERNAL addmntent,delmntent,getmntent
#  pragma HP_DEFINED_EXTERNAL hasmntopt,setmntent,endmntent
#endif /* _HP_SHLIB_CALLS */
#  pragma HP_NO_RELOCATION addmntent,delmntent,getmntent
#  pragma HP_NO_RELOCATION hasmntopt,setmntent,endmntent
#  pragma HP_LONG_RETURN addmntent,delmntent,getmntent
#  pragma HP_LONG_RETURN hasmntopt,setmntent,endmntent
#endif /* _FAST_SHLIB_CALLS */
#if defined(__ia64)
  /* pragmas needed to support -B protected */  
#  pragma extern addmntent, delmntent, getmntent 
#    pragma extern getmntent_r
#  endif /* _PTHREADS_DRAFT4 */
#  pragma extern hasmntopt, setmntent, endmntent
#endif /* __ia64 */  
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
   extern int addmntent(FILE *, struct mntent *);
   extern int delmntent(FILE *, struct mntent *);
   extern struct mntent *getmntent(FILE *);
   extern int getmntent_r(FILE *, struct mntent *, char *, int);
#endif /* _PTHREADS_DRAFT4 */
   extern char *hasmntopt(struct mntent *, const char *);
   extern FILE *setmntent(const char *, const char *);
   extern int endmntent(FILE *);
#else /* not __STDC__  defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)*/
   extern int addmntent();
   extern int delmntent();
   extern struct mntent *getmntent();
   extern int getmntent_r();
#endif /* _PTHREADS_DRAFT4 */
   extern char *hasmntopt();
   extern FILE *setmntent();
   extern int endmntent();
#endif /* else not __STDC__ || __cplusplus */

/* for compatibility: */
#define MNTTYPE_UFS	"ufs"

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif /* _MNTENT_INCLUDED */

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