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I have a working collectd environment but as soon as I enable & configure this plugin then the collectd daemon stops and generates an error as follows. Please help. If you require more info then please let me know.</div>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# collectd -f -T -C /etc/collectd/collectd.conf<br/>
collectd: relocation error: /usr/lib/collectd/varnish.so: symbol VSC_Setup, version LIBVARNISHAPI_1.0 not defined in file libvarnishapi.so.1 with link time reference</div>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# dpkg -l | grep collectd<br/>
ii collectd 5.4.0-3ubuntu2 amd64 statistics collection and monitoring daemon<br/>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# varnishd -V<br/>
varnishd (varnish-4.0.2 revision bfe7cd1)</div>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# lsb_release -a<br/>
Distributor ID: Ubuntu<br/>
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS<br/>
Release: 14.04<br/>
Codename: trusty</div>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# pkg-config --libs varnishapi<br/>
Package varnishapi was not found in the pkg-config search path.</div>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# ldconfig -p | egrep "libvarnish.*.so$"<br/>
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<div>root@cloud:/usr/lib# ldconfig -p | egrep "libvarnish"<br/>
libvarnishapi.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libvarnishapi.so.1</div>
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