Hi all<br> I am using the rrdtool plugin for collectd (4.9.2) and my collectd.conf looks like this<br><br>Interval 300<br><br>LoadPlugin interface<br>LoadPlugin rrdtool<br><br><Plugin interface><br> Interface "lo"<br>
IgnoreSelected true<br></Plugin><br><br><Plugin rrdtool><br> DataDir "/data/collectd/rrd"<br> CacheTimeout 9<br> CacheFlush 900<br> RRATimespan 300,3600,86400<br></Plugin><br>
<br>I want my interface RRD stats to be collected on a 5 min interval, and I want three RRAs<br> 1. for every 5 minutes (this is the PDP)<br> 2. for 1 day (average of 12 values, collected every 5 minutes)<br> 3. for 1 day (average of 288 values, collected every 1 hr) (12*24=288 values)<br>
The maximum size of my RRA would be to store this data for 6 months.(180 days)<br><br>When i restart collectd, I see that the rrd files are getting created with the default 1200 rows and there is no difference between the 3 RRAs at all (upon running rrdtool info). I tried specifying the RRATimespan on different rows, tried giving RRArows parameter but to no avail. <br>
<br>As far as my understanding goes, the rrdtool create should be given with the following parameters for getting what I want<br> rrdtool create /data/collectd/rrd/interface_stats.rrd DS:stat:COUNTER:600:0:100000000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:51840 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:4320 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:180<br>
<br>However, if I create my own RRDs using the create command, collectd is not plugging the values into them. Can someone please help me out here?<br><br>regards<br>Siva.<br>