Hi all,<br><br>I would like to use the snmp plugin and store the data to rrd. I should monitoring some mikrotik devices. I need the "-82" and "-81" values. First is belong to the 00 0C 42 61 75 23 device, second belong to the other.<br>
This is the walk:<br>enterprises.14988. =
Hex-STRING: 00 0C 42 61 75 23
<br>enterprises.14988. =
Hex-STRING: 00 0C 42 61 76 7D
<br>enterprises.14988. = INTEGER:
<br>enterprises.14988. =
INTEGER: -81<br><br>How could the collectd create the following files automatically?<br><br>signal-00_0C_42_61_75_23.rrd<br>signal-00_0C_42_61_76_7D.rrd<br><br>I tried this, but it isn't good:<br><br><Data "mikrotik_signal"><br>
Type "signal"<br> Table true<br> Instance "enterprises.14988."<br> Values "enterprises.14988."<br></Data><br><br><Host "w01.debrecen"><br>
Address ""<br>Version 2<br>Community "public"<br>Collect "mikrotik_signal"<br>Interval 300<br></Host><br><br>It is important that I don't want to give the exact oid in the Values, becuse there will be a lot of devices and I won't be able to manage it. (with the exact oid it works of course) <br>
<br>Is there any solution for this problam?<br><br>Thank you in advance<br><br>Janos Prepuk<br><br><br>