I am using the exec plugin to execute a script that collects the read/write ios of 72 block devices. The result of each block device will to be saved into a rrdfile. <br><br>I have a type "block_device" defined in the types.db file:<br>
<i>block_device reads:COUNTER:0:4294967295, writes:COUNTER:0:4294967295</i><br>
<br><br>My script output the following:<br><br><i>PUTVAL UML-F632/blockDevice-AAS7200_Cell_0_0x50050C24E900BB00_bay0_4:0:7:0/block_device-read_write_ios interval=60 1263485173:8:4<br>PUTVAL UML-F632/blockDevice-AAS7200_Cell_0_0x50050C24E900BB00_bay1_4:0:4:0/block_device-read_write_ios interval=60 1263485173:5:4<br>
......</i><br><br>But no rrd files are created. I set the log level in collectd.conf to debug , the following errors are reported in the log file for exec plugin:<br><br>[2010-01-14 11:40:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>
[2010-01-14 11:41:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:42:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:43:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>
[2010-01-14 11:44:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:45:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:46:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>
[2010-01-14 11:47:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:48:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>[2010-01-14 11:49:16] exec plugin: exec failed: No such file or directory<br>
[2010-01-14 11:49:16] exec plugin: Program `/home/seasim/blockDevice.pl -i 60' has closed STDERR.<br><br><br><br>I don't know which file it couldn't find, could anyone help with debugging this problem?<br>Thanks a lot!<br>