[collectd] custom perl plugin: assigning values to variable at init

adnane mls at adnane.me
Mon Oct 20 15:51:35 CEST 2014


can we assign values to a variable in  a TYPE_INIT function and use it 
at a read function ? I need
it to load the variable into memory only once and compare its content to 
other variable at read functions

sub f_init {
$filename = 'file' ;
open IN, '<', $filename;
my @elements = <IN>;
close IN;
my %element_as_key = map { $_ => 'down' } @elements ;
return 0;

f_read {

my $list_size = $#elements + 1 ;
for my $el ( keys %element_as_key ) {
do the magic ..


is the example above doable ?
thank you!

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